This is where I'll express my views, talk about various things, and just generally ramble

Updated October 19, 1997

Things are going along - I'm not getting to go out as much as I'd like - I mostly sit at home and wish I could go out.  Of course, I'm in a small town, and that makes it tougher - it's hard to find the time to get to the bigger cities to spend an evening out, too.

When I can find the time, I'm getting out some, though.  It's fun, too!  And, frankly, I would still like to date some - but that hasn't been happening lately.   Oh, well... maybe someone will wanna :)

I wanted to let you all how much I've appreciated the email comments - with the exception of a couple of crude comments, I've really enjoyed the things you've said (what girl doesn't like to be told she's beautiful!?).

Hugs and kisses,

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