daddie, what shall i put here?
i don't want to spoil anyones game or cross anyones path !
michael exclaimed to the conscious thoughts of life and love.

the game my son is niether won nor lost by your decision, it will
just change the flow of the creation. it is niether good nor bad,
though change in ones direction will bring an unconfortable
expanse from which evolution and awareness will rise.

life is constantly changing, i have realized this in my growing
awareness of the process, my evolution in this body. the process
is very subtle even sublime in ones daily life it niether seen nor
thought about. though it is there always.

i've realized we all make our choices, weather real or imagined,
either sub-consciously or consciously. as i've made my choice to
have my soul consciously evolve and make higher choices.
these choices are niether good nor bad, they are mearly choices.
however i am concerned with crossing anothers path, my choices
will niether contain manipulation, through lies and deciet. they
will be of a higher evolved thought of oneness and truth, that
the choice i make will affect the whole in a devine way. rather than
one of greed, fear and the destruction of anothers soul or interupting
anothers path.

in my path, the wake holds many untold misfortunes and deeds of utter
blood shed and loss of several lives, all which were mine. it would tell
of disfunction and shed light upon a truth that would stop the heart of
the strongest soul. this is what you have brought me to, another option
within this existance. a chance to teach a new philosiphy, a truth which
has been fortold in many ways yet has never been heard, and if heard as I
have, it has never been told. yet !

i am not here to take from anyone, yet i feel if i give what my soul should
offer there will be termoil and the change will cause an amount of distruction.
this could even cause the loss of the physical existance of bodies for which
i am called to save. the unrest with in the conscious body as a whole would
splinter, the body of the creation would shake.

the lies and fear which man has spread for tens of generations has created me,
michael. i am here to shake you up, shed some light on this subject one which
you say is holy. i am here because you made me, you all wished for another way,
another truth. you have asked for the un dying love of the angels, you have
called to them in song, lyrics touching the eternal number of souls about the
heavens. "they have heard you", they are here.

within this realm of the relative you always have two choices, you either look
and listen, or you play like you cant see and shout.
where within the realm of the spirit, you will always have three. the third is
to just "be" and take in the other two playing there games.

to be a fully realized human in my existance is to be something. to declare to
the father of this creation and another human exactly what this life means, to create
some sort of philosiphy. one that says exactly how it works, its effects and its
consiquences. to reach for the final vision of ones self and actualize the causes which
will bring the desired effects. and with in the final vision, there still is yet to
be a greater vision. in my philosophy there is no end it is eternal, infinite and
it never ends, because it cant. it never really began, in my philosophy.