
What's really going on here ? mystic michael on the big picture. my truth ?, truth seekers ! stepp'n out of the box, rewinding the movie, clear choice, pure love, life is an option,let's create ... it's all yours god given, i'm here to help you learn how to use it, make the most out of your life your movie , your book. Have the quality experiences intended for you. Don't get set back by all the distractions, dramas and who ha.... there's alot goin on here people, you should really realize this.defined as real-ize, bring into your reality, manifest the knowing of "IT".

I call my god... " The Creator".... pure creation, pure white light, pure love, pure joy, i call it, him or he, the father , the man.... the guy, it's still all pure energy, just plays the masculine "part", i believe there is a mscln/femne/unspace, the awareness, the unawareness, and the ness that seperates them... lol so in the relative, you have up and down, in and out, right left...on and off and on and on .....

i have just the place where i am, neither up nor down , neither in nor out, i do not hang out in the right or on the left. I am the harmony of both.

i run from goal post to goal post, i am and have been within all of "it", I am here so you can set your boundries, and that's ok, realize though that the creation is infinite, it knows no bounds, i play by the whole feild like i said,i go from goal post to goal post if i like. so go ahead you have your beliefs i do not doubt that, and that's cool and that's you, that's what makes you origninal, they're yours, that's ok that's not a problem for me. just be happy and enjoy life, and don't judge another, there's a reason for everything in the creators eye.

So on this day may you be blessed with the awareness and path to your own truth as i have been blessed with the awareness for mine. thank you.

mystically inclined, michael
(text/recording 3/29/2006)
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