Local Television

You may ask why I'm including links to local TV stations. There are some good reasons. I'll explain them after the links.

WRGB is located in Schenectady, NY. Although Schenectady is one of my least favorite places to be, I go there due to the fact that my parents and brothers live in the area. WRGB was one of the first TV stations to begin broadcasting. I believe that this is their 70th year in broadcasting, but you can find that out by checking out their site.

WTNH is located in New Haven, CT. This was one of the stations I watched growing up as it's an ABC affiliate. But that's not the reason the link is here. WTNH holds a special place in my heart as it hosts (or used to host) a program called "High School Bowl". It's a trivia contest between local high scholls patterned after the College Bowl competition. My senior year, my high school, Windsor High, won the state championship. The team had come close the previous year, but made it in 1985 with me as a team member. It was lots of fun to do and meant that I appeared on TV for four or five appearnaces in a year.

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This page last updated on: 11/03/97