and Why I Left It
(Not my place to be)
By Idealist [19/May/00]
Pink Village Councillor since February 1999, Idealist,
leaves AW and PV. Read her story.
you ever felt done wrong, and getting angrier and angrier about it?
I have, and I finally got my fill of it in AW. And the only thing
I could really do is to leave Active Worlds. My leaving had nothing
to do with Pink Village (in fact, being a part of Pink Village made it
harder), but it had and does have everything to do with Active Worlds in
general, and the powers that be there -- particularly
[] that lets the tyrants rule.
As a member of the Alpha World community, I often spent
time at GZ (Ground Zero). To my horror, I wasn't able to speak my
mind without getting kicked and banned from the world.
There's nothing more irritating to me than authority that
misuses and abuses its power. To my dissapointment and anger,
has repeatedly demonstrated that they not only condone that abuse and misuse,
but they even highly support some of their citizens as "Peacekeepers" (PKs)
-- when it's clearly an oxymoronic name for those that have nothing better
to do than to watch others' comments and SHOOT whenever the comment they
see (hear?) is something that they feel is "inappropriate". What
happened to teaching people of the "mute" function, to use if they don't
like what someone says? And guess what happened to me when I said
publicly that some PKs are nothing but Nazis? I told the truth, yet
I got kicked more.
Granted, nothing can ever even come close to the real-life
horror of Holocaust, but the idea of eliminating people is the same in
real world as it is in AW GZ. The attitude of some PKs seems to be: "we
will eliminate you if you don't fit into what we believe is the right way
to be and the right things to say."
I have seen and felt the kicking and banning without objective
rules or reasons. It didn't just happen to me, it happened (and no
doubt continues to happen) against many others too. I saw some of
the so-called "Peace"keepers to waltz in, take one look at someone's comment,
and kick. NO sense of Community Spirit of discussing what the comment
meant, or to wait and see what people say back -- just pure self-centered
decisions on the part of the PKs to kick because the comment they saw somehow
sounded "bad" to them.
And many PKs have NO sense of the fact that some of us
are slower typists, or that some of us have more lag than others.
M0e once justified his kick of me as "your comment was out of place."
WHAT did that mean? Out of place because I said something that was a bit
lagging, or was it offensive to all, or just "out of place" in his (or's) "eyes"? If it was offensive, how so? With no warning
or discussion, I, or anyone else, could just be GONE by some PK's whim.
I used to think it was just the "no swearing" rule that
we had to follow (ridiculous as the rule is, given that "swearwords" are
very subjective and PKs don't really bother with words that aren't in English,
and given that NONE of us are the babysitters of some children of mostly
U.S. parents), but I came to see the truth. I could have "followed"
those "rules" almost to the letter (especially if someone explained to
me exactly what words were swearwords), but the truth is, there is more
to the nazi behavior than that.
The truth is that the "Peace"keepers who feel like banning
or kicking people, will and can do so at their whim. There seems
to be NO attempt to rule the PKs themselves (and the high-and-mighty leader,
m0e, just claims that he only does what he's TOLD to do -- think about
it. How many Nazis have we heard of who claim innocence when they
take part of, and are instigators of, brutality?). I received a letter
from Tom Fournier, who I suppose is THE authority in,
saying something like (paraphrasing): "well, we know that it's not a perfect
situation, but the PKs do more good than harm, so we do not plan to change
anything". Well, thanks a lot, Tom. Meanwhile, you have a bunch
of nazis running around asserting their power when they really don't need
I cannot and will not stand by an organization or a company
that is that biased. I invite all of you to leave until they
do change their policy of giving some of their citizens the power to kick
and ban, but I also am realistic enough that most of you won't do it --
after all, why would you, if you never saw the injustice that goes on.
Meanwhile, enjoy Pink Village, I will miss it (and you citizens and friends)
very much,
saying good bye, and "Peace"
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