Pink Village 5 Years Old!
By Bille [31/January/02]

Guess who's turning 5 years old these days, and throwing a celebration on February 2nd?
Pink Village, of course!:)

Get ready for a day of celebrations, a number of events will take place, both to celebrate our pink history, and to celebrate our community of today. And our pink future - cause the PV Council has some cool plans to be released this Saturday...

There will be a number of events taking place from 16:00 - 23:00 (4-11PM) VRT. Bring along your friends, come celebrate our community with us! Although Pink Village is a gay/bi/lesbian community, many of our residents are not gay, and you are welcome no matter what you are:) 

You don't need to be gay to be pink:)
16:00 Opening, Rainbow Garden
Introducing the new PV Council, we'll sing PV's birthday song while Bille plays the piano, there might be a brief speech or two as well.
At this event you will also be introduced to the plans for our future PV, including a brand new system where all PV-registered citizens/friends who contribute to our community will be awarded with "Community Points".
17:00 "My PV", opening of a new joint exhibition at Gallerie 2222
You are invited to send in a screenshot of your best PV build, your favourite PV location to visit, or a screenshot showing landscape or a view, activities or details from buildings or environment - or even your secret?:)

Please respect the deadline for contributing which is Friday, February 1st at noon VRT, but a couple hours late will be accepted, too:)

CONTEST - ongoing 17:00-20:00
Find the coords of as many of the exhibited pictures as possible! Send in your answer before 20.00, all your answers must be sent in in *one* mail. One line per answer, starting with the picture's number (point at the pictures in Gallerie 2222 to see the number), followed by the S/E coords to the location where the screenshot where captured.

You will not win a world, but we'll find a way to award those sending in the most correct coords. To be announced at the exhibition opening.

Also visit Gallerie 2222's web page
or Pink Point: Joint Exhibition: "My PV"

18.00 Pink Village Historical Tour
Join a guided tour of the PV Museums of 1997, 1998 and 1999! Packed with info on how PV has developed over the years, memories of past events and long time gone citizens.

It's expected that we'll spend 20 minutes in each museum, but if the crowd gets huge or there are many questions, the tour might take a little longer. If you arrive late, please note that the Museums are chained by teleport signs, if you don't find the group at 1997 museum, just go on to the 1998 museum, or explore the museums by your own. Point the pictures and signs to read PV's history.

Start Tour

21:00 Warming up party
Get ready for the Grand Party at 22:00. Location will be Prince Albert Pub, one of the oldest pubs in town. Please look for a teleport sign at Queer Square
22:00 Grand 5th Anniversary Pink Party!
Refreshments, dancing, PV Quest, speeches. We also hope for a speech from one of the very first PV citizens!:) Winners from the "My PV" contest will be announced. Party will officially close at 23:00, but you will not be asked to leave, and we'll make sure there are no clocks within sight...:)
Location: Pink Parade Nightclub

Any adjustments to the programme will be announced at Queer Square (AW 2222s 2222e)

Pink Point
