Hey there! Welcome to my web page. I hail from Toronto, Ontario, Canada. I am 5 ft. 7" tall with a muscular build. In my spare time I like to work out, rollerblade, snowboard, swim (trying to!), travel, catch a movie now and then, read an interesting novel and get involved in the stock market.

In the past, I was the President of Gay Asians Toronto, a social, support and education group and was involved with the organization for about five years. By the way, if you are here mainly to see a buffed boy, then also try to take the extra few minutes to discover the brain behind the brawn. I have tried to make the "About Myself" and "Travel" sections pass the yawn test. Give them a whirl!


Personal Stuff

About Myself
Black and White Gallery
Colour Gallery
Amateur Shots

FAB Magazine #239 - Click on "Fab archives"

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since February 17, 1997

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Hi folks! I tried in the past to at least say hello but as the numbers rose it was difficult. So if I don't get a chance to respond to your email, I want to let you know that I do read all email and am very appreciative. Thanks! I am taking on more work, I'm travelling a bit, going to the gym, and learning about the meaning of life :)

Love ya!


E-mail: Hey there!

This page was last updated April 12, 2004

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