Greetings.. Welcome to my Home Page..

My apologies for the disjointed look about the page, but as it is "Under construction" by my WebMaster who is a little preoccupied with some major project work, it will take a while before it all finally comes together and turns into a real 'Ass-kickin' Home Page.. *grin* Well I'm hoping it will anyway.. There will be a number of 'Kewl' topics discussed and a lot of HOT links for you to Surf the Net to..

For now though, it's just the bare basics that are here, but please, do bookmark the page, and come visitin' often, as I plan to make a lot of changes to the site as it grows.. (The WebMaster will be pleased..) *grin* WebMasters Note:- {Groan} Not more coding! KJ!!! Just you wait till I see you in SB dude.. *LOL*


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