True Colors

let your colors show

This is my let it all hang out page. My don,t be afraid to speak your mind page.So if you have something to say,don't be afrad. Here is the place to speak your peace.

Ok here goes.I was married for 16 years, have 3 children and was miserable all that time. I knew that there was something missing in my life but I just didnt know what.

Then I met Brenda and she became my best friend.We did everything together.I never knew that two ppl could become so close. Over this time I left my husband and I went with Brenda.I didnt know where I would end up but it was ok because I wasnt alone.Brenda was there.

I soon learned that I was in love with her and boy did that throw me at first.I was 32 years old and had never thought of being with a woman before.But I started having all of these feelings and well Im the type of person that just jumps in head first and asks questions later.Well we just went on from there.

We have been together now for 7 years and I will allways be thankful that I found her.

We have had soom hard times over the last 7 years, but we have had more good times then bad. If you dont have bad times then you never know when you are having good times.At lest that is the way I see it. Its what makes a relationship strong.

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