Hello and welcome to my home at WestHollywood. I do hope you enjoy
your stay here. Bear with me, eventually this page will be complete in all
its glory.Oh, who am I kidding -- we all know webpages are never
actually finished =;-)
And for now, this page must undergo a complete makeover so to speak. Have not updated in so long and now Yahoo is threatening me that I need to or they will delete the page *haha* so I guess it is the time to do so.So for now it is of course under Construction.
And probably always will be.
Well, if you want to meet some of the people that have meant a lot to me, you too can enter the WestHollywood chat room from here. Just type in the name you want to use and there you go =:-) -- Well you used to be able to until Yahoo took over Geocities and f-ed it up !
If you have not registered at The Advocate, you can get your FREE membership. Just click here and be whisked away to the Advocate registration page. Be sure to com back though =;-)