Gene's "Family" Photo Album

The last album was for my family photos, now this is one is for my "FAMILY" photos. :)
Some of you know what I mean.

I am very involved in my community and have been for many years. The photos will show you what I mean by that.

Marching in Washington 1988 Here I am in the Candlelight March in Washington D.C. on Name's Project weekend, October 1988 (I think) with some friends from Austin. (l to r) Glen Maxey, who I didn't really know, but he is now a Texas state representative, me (look at all that long hair), Mary Gottwald, from Austin, not shown but taking the picture was my best friend, Mark Dickinson.

Marching in San Antonio 1988 The day after we returned from D.C., we participated in the Procession of Hope a candlight march in San Antonio. (l to r) Ray Shafer, my mom, Elizabeth, me, Joey Pereida, Aimee (my niece), some girl :), Dwayne Wiseman, Eddy and my sister, Mariann, and once again behind the lens was my buddy Mark Dickinson. I was the co-chair of San Antonio Chapter of the NAME'S Project.

Ready for a snowball fight? Here I am pictured near Denver Colorado in April 1993. Right after this picture was taken, I took a step backwards and sunk in snow up to my waist. It was so funny and I was laughing so hard I couldn't get out. My "friends" Adam and "Carma Sue" just stood there laughing at me and didn't help me out. Don't worry I got them later.

This page was created by Gene Brake
Last updated 14 March 2002
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Much more to come...