Campaign for Homosexual
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The Campaign for Homosexual Equality has its office in London, and a membership which includes 300 campaign activists. Our Newsletter gives coverage of actions for campaigners to take, and details of social activities.
BECOME A CAMPAIGN MEMBER - For people who want to do something to fight oppression. Membership runs from January to December, and costs £25 per year or can be paid by Standing Order annually or quarterly (when a reduced rate of £20 applies.) For those on low income, a lower rate can be obtained on application. We welcome and additional donations.
BECOME A SUPPORTER - For people who are willing to contribute the funds needed to support out work. We hope you will feel able to contribute £5 per month, but are happy to accept less.
If you want to join the fight return a copy of this membership form.
More information to appear here soon.
CHE, PO Box 342, London WC1X 0DU. Telephone 0171-833-3912