- GLAD: The University of North Texas (UNT) has a group called GLAD (Gay and Lesbian Association of Denton) that meets on Wednesdays at 7:00 pm in Terrill Hall, room 120. Check 'em out! (Slick web site, btw.)
- Lavender Circle: UNT also has a group that focuses on lesbian and bisexual issues with a feminist viewpoint called Lavender Circle which meets on Thursdays at 7:30 pm in Bruce Hall, room 209.
- Delta Lambda Phi: Did you know UNT has a gay fraternity? Me neither and I graduated from there. Check 'em out!
TWU: We understand that Texas Woman's University (TWU) also has a GLBT group that networks with UNT's GLAD, which is called PRIDE. However, we have no other information regarding this group. If you do please share it with us by e-mail using the link below....
SUGGESTIONS? Write to us with any constructive suggestions, comments or informative news regarding Denton's two universities at gaydenton@yahoo.com