Rainbow Chorus |
In community,
song and laughter, the Rainbow Chorus blends diversity into harmony.
The Rainbow Chorus
is a lively group of singers from Parksville through to Campbell River
who gather in the Comox Valley. Deliberately creating a safe place to
be out, we also welcome straight allies. We meet weekly, Thursday evenings, 7:00 – 9:00 at the Ecole Rob Road Elementary, 1909 Robb in Comox, just east of Anderton. We welcome new members. As an _expression of our diversity, we have adopted a monthly fee policy that reflects the different financial situations of our members. We ask everyone to contribute the equivalent of one hour’s wages as their monthly fee. The actual cost of running the chorus is approximately $30 per member per month. We rely on community support to help balance our budget. Please participate in our fundraisers and consider joining the chorus as a Friend. The Chorus came into being as a positive outcome of a disturbing event. In March 2001, Comox Valley PFLAG and many members of our community hosted the Vancouver Gay and Lesbian Chorus for a benefit concert. Part way into the program, a can of bear spray was opened in the Sid Williams Theatre. Rattled, but persistent, the choir and audience gathered initially in the courtyard of the Theatre and then completed the concert in the Comox United Church. In the discussions that followed this incident, the idea of having our very own chorus began. Initially meeting in a living room, we developed into a core of 6-8 singers. Now, well into our second season, we number 25-30 singers. Laurie Munroe is providing the chorus with musical inspiration. She brings both her professional musician background as well as her work as a music therapist to helping us develop more skill at reading music and listening to each other. Never short of a joke herself, she allows the laughter to roll freely. We have preformed at several events including opening for the 2002 Film Festival Saturday night feature, Nanaimo Pride Day and opening for the Vancouver Men’s Chorus benefit concert for NIAC. We can be reached at: Rainbow Chorus, P.O. Box 3246, Courtenay, BC V9N 5N4 Email: