The Agreement

This composition sort of summarizes several "what if" and "maybe someday" chat conversations I had with a man through ICQ. Through the course of our conversations, we talk about what it would be like if I were spend a week living with him as his lover. He seemed unsure if this was something he would want to try because he never came forward and made an offer. To bad too, we seemed to really connect well with each other. If he had made the offer, I think I would have accepted in a heart beat.

Maybe, someday he will change his mind. Or maybe there is another man who read this article and be inspired enough to take a chance on me.

The invitation I hope to receive will read something like this: I’d love to hear what others think. If I would get this invitation, should I accept? Are there any guys who might be interested in offering me such an invitation?




I loved your article, "The Date." It really conjured up a lot of thoughts and got me very excited. It also got me thinking about a somewhat more involved arrangement. Please read on and let me know what you think about my following offer.

While a date might be interesting, if you are really interested in living as a woman, let me offer you a different opportunity. Being a woman, is more than lipstick, lace and romance of a date. To really experience a female lifestyle, you should experience both its advantages and drawbacks. You can only do this if you live full time as a woman for an extended period and be in a committed relationship with a REAL man.

You are invited to spend a week living full time as a female in my home as my "significant other." Before you jump at this offer, read on and be sure you really want to accept my invitation. If it sounds interesting, then maybe we can e-mail or chat about it more and get to know each other a little before deciding to go through with the arrangement I am proposing. But, this is a serious offer.

First a little more about myself. I am a 57 year old, widower. I have one adult son who no longer lives with me. I am a reasonably successful attorney and since the death of my spouse, have moved into a rather spacious condominium. Since the death of my spouse 4 years ago, I have dated occasionally but have not been involved in any serious relationships. I have always believed that men should "wear the pants" in a relationship. My wife appreciated that but I have had difficulty meeting other like-minded women since.

I have grown tired of meeting all these "women of the 90's." They are far too independent minded for my tastes. A few years ago, I would have thought someone like you to be repulsive but after reading web pages done by several others like you, I am becoming intrigued. I consider myself heterosexual but have a varied interest in my sexual activities and like trying "new" things. I figure that any guy who likes to dress and act like a woman must be a weak willed sissy. That being the case, you might be more the type of woman I seek than any of the real women I have met. So, I thought I would contact you.

I like to pamper women. The women I am most attracted to are those who appreciated being spoiled but are also able to put a man’s interests ahead of their own. These sounds old fashioned, but that is the way that I am. Women who are with me, get taken to a lot of nice places and are treated politely but in return I want them to defer to my wishes. I am not into abuse, or physical violence. I like to be considerate of what women say and feel. I just like to have the last word. I want a woman sees submitting to my will a small sacrifice for all the pampering and attention she receives in return. There don’t seem to be many women any more who want this type of relationship. But, after reading your web page story, I thought that perhaps you are a woman who would.

More about me. I am 5'11" and weigh about 190 lbs. I am just slightly balding, with salt and pepper hair. I jog and work out often. My career requires me to work many hours but it also has resulted in some substantial financial rewards. When I go out, I like to eat exotic food, like the theater, enjoy the arts and spending time at a country club I belong to.

As I have mentioned, I have a traditional view of men and women. I believe that by their nature, men are dominant. They are better suited to make decisions and are more comfortable when women allow them to be in control. Women are the passive gender. They are better nurturers than are men and feel more comfortable when men carry the burden of worldly decisions and let women care for others. You will accept this and submit to my wishes.

You will always wear female attire and you will be well made up. I find shapely women especially attractive so you will wear either a waist cincher or a corset at all times, except of course when bathing. Since you use breast forms, you have the luxury of determining your size. I like a nice pair of tits on a woman and expect yours to be ample but not unusually large. I also like to see a nice pair of legs, so your skirts will be above the knee, some considerably so. I have never cared for women in pants but they commonly wear them. So, you may wear tight, feminine looking jeans or tailored women’s slacks around the house. Sleepwear is obviously acceptable in bed, but it must be silky or shear, no flannel or cotton pyjamas or night shirts. Of course in bed, you will continue to wear a waist cincher or a tight corset, a bra and your breast forms.

Your wardrobe will be appropriate for woman in her early 40's. I don’t want you to be dressed like a tramp or wear clothes suited for a teenager. We will spend some evenings at nicer restaurants or night clubs. There will also be times we will either be entertaining guests or be invited to other’s homes. For these kinds of settings, your attire will be tasteful but also provocative. When in public or in the presence of others, heels, hose and skirts or dresses are always to be worn unless I decide other attire is suitable.

I assume you will need some clothes to complete your wardrobe, so you will have an open account at some local stores to purchase whatever you will need. Since I also want you to look your best, I will also open an account so you make get make-overs at a nearby beauty salon. I will expect you to take advantage of my generosity.

You will not be expected to be a domestic servant but since you are not a house guest, you will assume the household the tasks generally associated with women. Since a housekeeper cleans for me each week, this will not be an overwhelming expectation. While I am at work, you will still have plenty of time to go to the salon, watch soap operas, read women’s magazines, have lunch with some of my friends’ wives, go shopping or what ever else women usually do during the day. I will expect that your daytime activities be in keeping for a lady of a well to do gentleman. I will also expect that you will plan your time to be sure that when I arrive back from work, the house is in order, you are at home and, if we are not eating out, a nice dinner is being prepared.

Inevitably some of my friends will come to my home. As the lady of the house, when we have guests, you will be a gracious hostess to them. Since they will be able to tell that you are a sissy she/male and will (correctly) assume you are also something of a slut, this may be a little difficult for you. Knowing my friends, I will expect them to be polite but curious. Any questions or comments made about this probably will be awkward to hear but will not have been made to be intentionally rude. If this occurs I expect you to respond to them in a lady like manner. They are my friends and you leaving the scene or making unladylike comments will embarrass me. If I can put up with their wondering why I have you at my house you can deal with their curiosities about you. You will accept that some people might not understand why you acts as you do and will be behave graciously.

This is going to sound a little graphic but I like good and frequent sex, so I want you to be sure you will agree to with my expectations. The greatest service a woman can offer a man is to satisfy his sexual urges and you will not deny me this satisfaction. Without exception, you will comply with the following:

1. For both our protection, sexual activity will be practiced in a "safe" way. Condoms will be used whenever appropriate.

2. Whenever I initiate any sexual activity, being an obedient woman, you will be at my beck and call to satisfy my urges without reservation. You too may try to initiate sexual activity but since I am a man, I have the right to either accept or refuse you.

3. Most important is my sexual gratification. This will be the primary reason for our sexual activity. I may be 57 but still have the drive of a newly wed. At the minimum, you will get at least one or two when we go to bed, you will get a quickie when I wake up, and I might want some nice oral from you when I get home from work. Since we will spend more time together on weekends, there will be opportunities some even more varied sexual activities. As a woman, satisfying me sexually will be your primary objective.

4. The second reason is to re-enforce for your feminine identity. Since, you are a "special" woman sexual activity will re-enforce your understanding that men expect women to submit to their dominance. Readily submitting to my sexual desires will show that you have totally assumed a woman’s lifestyle. In addition, regular sexual activity will keep the experience fresh in you memory, helping to re-enforce your feminine identity. Therefore, I will be sure you get frequent sexual attention.

5. Less import finding any pleasure from sexual activity. The truth is that most sexual activity initiated by a man for his own gratification. Most woman learn to be willing participants because men expect them to perform whether or not they are in the mood. Like most men, I feel no differently. When I want some sex, I want it for my pleasure and I expect the woman I am with to give me what I want. If you get some pleasure as well, that is a nice bonus but if you don’t, then do what other woman do; fake it!!! Your receiving sexual pleasure is significantly less important than you seeing that I do.

6. As I already mentioned, I consider myself a heterosexual, so I have no desire to be exposed to any of your "male" attribute. Besides, no real man would act or behave like a sissy/girl so you do not even deserve any of the physical benefits of the male anatomy. Therefore, you will always keep any vestiges of manhood tucked and securely taped. This will necessitate you performing all body functions in a female fashion. It will also prevent her from experiencing any sexual pleasure in a male fashion.

I will conduct myself in a gentlemanly way. I will be sensitive to the fact that it will take a lot of time and work for you to be at her female best for me. That when we are out, sometimes a guy has to let a woman stop and shop when something catches her eye. That after being home all day, women like to be taken out of the house for the evening. That women tend to act emotionally instead of rationally. That I rule the house but should be considerate of your feelings.

I hope you take me up on my offer. I can hardly wait to have a live in lover for a week that will respect my wishes and appreciate me. I can imagine coming home, stressed out by a long hard day at work and seeing you mincing around the house in heels and a tight little dress and knowing that your greatest desire is to make me happy. Being such a sweet considerate girl, you will take great pleasure in satisfying me.


Well, what do you think? This must sound like a great offer. We both get what we want. You get to live be with a man who will let you be the woman you are. I get a kept woman who will appreciate my attention generosity and accepts that the price for this pampered lifestyle is to submit to her man. Are you willing to go the distance and let a real man show you what life would be like as a woman? Are you willing to be subservient to me in exchange for the attention of a gentle man who will take you out for nice meals, outings to cultural activities, and of course the chance to shop for some beautiful feminine things?

Looking forward to your reply,