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RnbwBabe's Personal Slice of the Web


Web Design

Welcome to my web site!

Hi my name is Jenn, and you have entered my pop-up advertising free zone.  I love the communities that GeoCities/Yahoo have set up, but I can't stand the pop-up ads on most pages ... so I opted to cough up $5.00 a month not to pester you with them.  It's bad enough that almost every single page on the web now has an advertising banner.   Enough of my soapbox, and more about me.

I subscribe to the same theory as Sabrina Sojourner, Journalist and Lecturer

"I am no longer willing to let any part of myself take a backseat.
  When I come to a table, I come with all of me to the table:  black,
 lesbian, journalist, feminist, gay activist, spiritualist, single parent."

So I am; mostly Cherokee, lesbian, happily married, total geek, avid reader, feminist, Christian, spiritualist, gay activist, proud auntie, cursed/blessed with Bi-Polar II, struggling vegan, college student (again ... this time I will finish), webmistress.

I've been working on other people's sites for too long without having one of my own.  Until now I have only worked on sites for companies or non-profits, but now it's my turn to have 15 minutes of fame in cyber space.  I hope I can unleash the  creativity from within, as I've always had to keep things very professional.

So, check out the links to your left to find out more . . .


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This page was last updated on 04/11/00.