This is a story arc that began last year in my Creative Writing class, as the result of short story project for which I am forever endebted to my teacher. The short story that grew out of that class became popular, and even after the class' end, several of my classmates demanded a sequel of me. I obliged them after a few weeks of whining, and from there, it just exploded.
To make things clear, I originally intended for the two main characters to be reflections of Heero and Duo from GundamW, perhaps even them after Endless Waltz, in a college AU setting. Alas, that simplistic explanation failed to work after a few pages of the first story. Kenji and Max, while bearing still significant resemblance to Heero and Duo, have become beloved original characters. I will still pay homage to the creators of GundamW for inspiration, but these boys are mine. Of course if you want to borrow them for a fic or two, just tell me so I can read it!

First Story: Burn

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4

This is the original text, as presented to and graded by my teacher. I got an A, if you care. This was the birth of this year's understanding of imagery for me, as well as the creation of my Kenji-chan and Max-kun! ::grins proudly:: I really like these characters, in case you couldn't tell.

An Interlude: Ashes

This is a set of two perspectives in two poems, set between the first and second stories.

Second Story: Drown (unrevised)

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6

This is the much begged for sequel, although it hasn't been revised. When I finish revisions, I will replace this version. In short, it's a happy ending to Burn's tragedy.

Third Story: Float

This is currently being written in the form of a play. I'll have to make it a story before I put it up here. Sorry!

All works on this site copyrighted 2001 to Engel. Don't steal.