Title: Moments
Author: Biko no Seishi
Rating: NR
Dedication: To Sailor Zoi, as she requested a 5xR fic....I hope this works! And to Mina, my encourager, in appeasement for 'The Passion of Heero'.
Pairing: 5+R
Warnings: Sap? WAFF? ::shrugs:: Should het be a warning? Oh yeah, no chronological order.
Notes: Uh....It's a series of cute little 5+R/R+5 moments that I'm giving to Sailor Zoi.
Feedback: engel@gundamwing.net

10.3.01 - First Moment.
11.3.01 - Second Moment.
22.3.01- Third Moment.
22.3.01- Fourth Moment.
5.4.01 - Fifth Moment.
Unreleased - Sixth Moment.
Unreleased - Seventh Moment.

This page and all works within are copyrighted 2001 to Engel. Don't steal.