This is a page of haiku written for a beloved.
Soft Black strands of silk,
unraveled by cold winds that
offer graceful flowers.
Would that dreams were real!
For many a life saved, and
nary a love lost.
Windswept sand, flower blossoms
scattering the rain's silken embrace
of fleeting, much longed for words.
A knife's last caress a kiss,
loving, tender, and escape from love -
emotions too close, fade.
Hidden smiles against
my neck, a soft brush of lips,
acknowledged, returned.
Black silk, beauty found
sweeping through waves of longing
blown back in wind's love.
Frightened touches between us,
sweet cold brushes, hiding from
ourselves, the world, love.
Al;l curse you now, for breaking me,
But I can not, only hide in my
disgrace of love, forsaken.