Another selection of quotes, unorganised in any other fashion than when I wrote them down.
-Why do [girls] go to the bathroom in paacks?- Lucas (I've always wondered that myself...)
-The foot.- Lucas
-Communist punk!- Mistress Emily
-And the child shall eat them!- classmatte re: Children of the Corn
-What is the world coming to?- teacher
-Kill the squishy frog! [Orsen] likes ssquishy frogs. Squishy frogs are neat-o.- Orsen
-Sparfaul, the other white meat- Orsen
-So I call her funny buny, because reminnds me of my rabbit- Orsen
-You may stop quoting me now! Damn you!! -Orsen
-Tonight on Fox at 8h: When goldfish atttack! -Orsen
-I see, said the blind man, as he grabbeed his hammer and saw. -Caitlen
-[Sushi] likes the little boys in leatheer! -Tom, singing
-James likes little boys in leather! -Toom
-[You expect sanity] from a man who eatss his shoe? -classmate, re: Shugrue
-Ewww! Ewww eww eww! -Javert, after kisssing Montparnasse (who was in drag) in a fanfic
-Eagles may [soar], but weasels don't geet sucked into jet engines -Darshan Kenobi-Jinn
-Wow, what a wierdo! -classmate, re: Ruddyard Kipling
-[Sushi] doesn't count -classmate
-Your [sic] never a pain -Erik-sama
-Music stopped. Time to go kill the goaat. -Dad
-Solitaire is a good way to learn to usee the mouse...and after that, you can learn to kill the virtual goat. -Dad
-What's a nudge? -Erik-sama
-...And I will make thee think thy swan a crow -Benvolio, from Romeo and Juliet
-I dyed my bunny blue! -Orsen
-I'm going to sponge paint purple polka dots on [my bunny] for Easter! -Orsen
-Armbone connected to the wristwatch -Liiz-chan
-Oh, wait, now it is! -Liz-chan
-Lemming: it's an occupation. -Me (demonnic mood)
-YOU turn me into this! -Mum
-It's a Shugrue word: skillions. -Shugruue
-All teenagers BS everythng they write, some just do it better than others. -Alexis
-Yo, moose! -Me (at summer camp, lookingg for moose)
-The moose goes arg! and stomps on the ccar -Orsen
-I saw owl pellets, and a gopher skull, we have to bleach it though -Orsen
-I swear that moose is peeing -teacher
-CONVERT THE HEATHEN! -Orsen re: Me ::grrins::
-We should hold a funeral service for thhe chair -Alberto, after said chair committed suicide. Or something.
-John, take the fungus. -Orsen
-The pope's a squid-man! -Me, noting thaat the Pope's hat looks like a squid shell
Quotes from Germany
-Yeah, sure man...umm...wo? -Me at some rest stop ('wo' means where in German, saa...)
-I'm back after 22 years and I'm glad thhis damn wall is gone -Berlin Wall
-I always wanted to write on this wall --Berlin Wall
-No more strudel! -Mum
-Ich bin ein Berliner -JFK (translation==I am a Berlin specialty pastry)
More regular quotes
-...and the water and the handguns! -Casss, re: the ban on bottled water in my school
-I'll make you eat this chalk! -teacher,, re: me trying to sleep during class
-When's the Macy's day parade? -Spike-chhan
-I managed to make a large gelatinous cuube this is what I do in my spare time! -unnamed friend
-The walls are my friends! -Nicole
-I'm going to come back as a frog! -Nicoole re: reincarnation
-Orange kangaroo steam floor? -Lucas
-What in the name of pink are you drawinng? -Jorge
-Has anyone ever told you [that] you loook like Chelsea Clinton? -some lady re: me with my hair down and curlified
-We forget that we are all dead men convversing with dead men. -Jorge Luis Borges, Argentinian poet
-Have a nice dog! -chalkboard
-I'll get you Robitussin and a straw! -LLiz-chan
-Liz, turn gay! -Deadrat, to Liz-chan
-Schmid is a dork -chalkboard -chalkboard re: CCass
-How did I get stuck with this little pooopy producer? -chalkboard re: Spotty
-"Dork." "Chad." -conversation between me and Spike-chan
-Some people read tea leaves. We preferr hamburgers. -The Economist.Com
-Pookies first. -Cass, said instead of ''ladies first'
-You know you're in trouble when [Sushi]] calls you wierd! -Cass
-Count no man happy until he's dead -Herroclitus, Greek philosopher
-See this red dot on my forehead? You aare not here. -Kyle
-Don't get dead. -Kaitlen
-It's the Shugruvian Process! -Cass
-Suen~o con ser hombre -Deadrat
-SADISTIC GOAT! -Me, re: Cass
-You take your fortune cookies way too sseriously -Me
-"Everything's white and we're all straiight so it's ok" -idiot classmate
-You're allowed to lie in this class, ass long as its in perfect Spanish! -teacher
-If you're already corrupt, my job is doone -Yob
-You look at me and use vulgarity. I loook at you and laugh at my triumph. -Yob
-[Sushi] has one moral. -Spike-chhan
-You probably have about six [morals] alltogether, but we've only found one so far. -Spike-chan, re: me
-Rabid gundam? -Me
-Die! Die [necklace], die! - classmate
-Don't make me get my gundam action figuure! -me
-I'm going to rip that thing in half! -NNicole. She never specified what 'that thing' was, though...
-Die, die, fishy, die! -classmate (the ssame one as before, re: the necklace...I don't know him, really ::hangs head::)
-Embrace your inner Puritan! -me re: Thee Scarlet Letter
-I mean, what if [your employer] says, ''Hey, do you know any Spanish? We need someone to spend a year in Lisbon." -Dad. I've never let him forget about this one. (::hints:: Lisbon is in Portugal, where they speak Portuguese, not Spanish!)
-No matter what, I will always vote Commmunist. -Mistress Emily
-I love you too, don't forget it either,, engrave it in your brain...there's someone who loves you...never ever forget -Spike-chan (I love him so much!)
-Please, if you do vomit, make sure you turn around and it collects on that gentleman over there -classmate
-My cat can't meow anymore. He looks att me and goes 'eh'. -classmate
-My cat tried to commit suicide once -saame classmate as above, and the same cat too! ^_^
-I'm a bad, bad man. -Cass
These quotes and the rest of the works on this page are copyright to Engel. Please respect the people who said these things, and don't steal.