Marie's TS Page

welcome visitor number

Welcome to the Marie's TS Page.

The full FAQ about myself

This has been set up to let you know more about my Transsexualism. Some of you may have difficulty understanding the subject and understanding me. I hope that this page will show you that there is nothing to be embarrased or offended about. It has not been easy for me to come out to you all and I appreciate your support and understanding. I also had to take into account your feelings on the subject and your own views that I respect. I welcome your questions, do not feel embarrased to ask and I will not be offended by any genuine questions.

Films on the subject

The full Biography about myself

Here is the scientific explaination of the condition

Enter my TS Picture Gallery

A Guide to Transsualism for Managers

Even more WWW information on Transsualism

Remember I am a Transsexual not a transvestite, the following reference is mainly geared to transvestites.

There are 2 newsgroups on the subject :-

alt.transgendered and

Both newsgroups deal with both TVs and TSs and do attract more than their fair share of cranks and weirdos. is the better group. This is not a reccomended place to look but there is the occasional a good article from a genunine TS that make them worthwhile

Some day I might look as good as Caroline Cossey

A list of hotels/ B&Bs in Brighton

I have many friends who know about my past and the local pagans accept me.

I have had cosmetic surgery

Who to contact when you change your name

My article on Transsexuals on the internet as published in GEMS magazine

This is my letter to Suffolk Heath Authority about their purchasing arrangements.

This is the rejection letter from Suffolk Health Authority

Here is my critique of their policy.( My comments are in bold.)

Here is the reply from the Health Authority Chief Executive

Here is my reply to this.

Here is the report of the Independent Review

Here is my reply to the report of the Independent Review

Supporting evidence from Toni Bradley

A WPCs tale. Part 1 and Part 2

The lottery legacy Part1 and Part2

Ediie Murphy's exploits in The Telegraph and The Times

Perhaps when I get my Cosmetic and Gender Reassignment Surgery completed.

I can always tell you about my Gender surgery experience.

Here is a TS Film Guide

Deja News Query Results for other newsgroups

Here is someone experiencee of facial surgery in america.

Here is someon'e experience of GRS in America (Gorry) in My Sex Change

Transsexual Women's Resources from Anne Lawrence, M.D.


The address of the hospital is:-

The Hove Nuffield Hospital,
55 New Church Road,
East Sussex.
BN3 4BG.
Tel (01273) 720217
This is the template from which I produced these pages.


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