Pictures of me
Pictures of friends
Pics of my Neice, Kara, and nephew Austin.
Mike's Page
HI! My Name is Mike. I am a 26 yr old gay male living with my (future) husband, BROCK in Brevard County, Florida.  I am volunteer member of the Indianapolis Men's Chorus, in which I used to sing Tenor II. I am very easy person to get along with, and, I pretty much enjoy all types of activities, browse my site, let me know if you see anything interesting, I am sure there are plenty of things in here to entertain you, ENJOY
Columbus (OH) Gay Men's Chorus
Photos of the Indianapolis Men's Chorus at the Picolo Spoletto Music Festival in Charleston, S.C. and other pics of the chorus.
Please visit the links above and support Indiana's premier LGBT Choral orginization. The Indianapolis Men's Chorus has performed for international crowds and has recieved accolades from every genre of the arts community. IMC, under the direction of J. Kevin Butler has performed in cities such as Chicago, Tampa, Vancouver, and many,many more. The IWC has performed to the applause of music lovers for over 11 years, while IMC is celebrating it's 16th season. IndyChoruses builds bridges of acceptance and unerstanding through musical excellence, and strives to be a bright spotlight for the LGBT community of Indianapolis.
The Indianapolis Men's Chorus, under the direction of Artistic Director J. Kevin Butler, proudly represented the State of Indiana, and the GLBT community of Indianapolis at the Picolo Spoleto Music Festival in Charleston, South Carloina.