Hi, I'm osbb
these pages are dedicated to the pleasures and pains of the Off Season Body Builder.

click my bud for pix of guys in the off-season!

Physique Preference
Do you prefer the look of a ripped, contest-ready BB? OR.......?

Current Results
Truth or Dare? try the Show'n'Tell page!
May 2000: new page 8... guess who 'part deux' and page9, a grab bag of pix
Feb 2000: new 'stuff' added... thanks Steve, MuscleMike, Pumper, & Eric!!!


The Powerlifting Bears Club
RK Bodies

account opened Apr 24, 1999
counter restarted Jun 11, 1999

sorry, no planned updates

In keeping with GeoCities' guidelines, this site is G-rated, HOT!, but G-rated. It is only intended for adults with mature tastes and minds.
If that does not sound like you;
Please leave!

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if you want your pictures taken down,
remove the *'s but spell Yahoo correctly, and email: