Space Coast Jet Riders
Are you ready to go riding?

Latest News: Our application to IJSBA/AWA for Charter Club membership has been submitted. Look for us to be listed in the Jet Sports magazine in the near future.

Next Club Meeting: Tuesday September 12 at 7 pm at Maui's Raw Bar and Grill in Cocoa, Florida.

Located on SR 520 east of I-95.

Address: 1505 West King Street (SR 520), Cocoa, Florida 32922.

Phone: (321) 636-0003

Next Club Rides:

Saturday September 23, 2000 Meet at Wavecraze in Merritt Island for a ride around Merritt Island. This ride will take participants trough Barge Canal, Indian River, Banana River and around Dragon Point. This is a fun ride, hope to see you there. For more details and information please contact Todd Stone, Event Coordinator.

See the pictures taken from previous rides and events. (Click here)

Thank you for stopping by. Please stop back again as these pages will be updated as new information becomes available.
August 2000 (MS-Word 97)
Sample Logo (b/w)
Previous Issues
Sample Brochure (16 July, 2000 MS Word)

Sample Flyer (June 2000 MS Word)

July 2000 (MS-Word 97)

June 2000 (MS-Word 97)

May 2000 (MS-Word 97)

April 2000 (MS-Word 97)

March 2000 (html) (or as MS-Word 97)

February 2000 (html) .

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