SterWest Limited
Charlotte House, Charlotte Street, PO Box N-65, Nassau, BAHAMAS


A Global Diversification Strategy
is considered essential by leading investment managers  - to reduce risk and to maximise portfolio growth opportunities. Modern Portfolio Thory articulates this approach for personal as well as institutional investing.  Small investors take heed.
     The recent boom in Internet stocks and dawning of the Digital Age evidence a new paradigm shift - from localised commerce to global trading reach - for even very small companies.  This in turn creates opportunities for small investors to make big returns in Start-up companies led by innovative and dynamic management. 
     The Modern Portfolio Theory message here is DIVERSIFICATION in a wide range of DIFFERENT industries or markets.  Therefore, to get the best results, one should not put all one's eggs in one basket (or industry).  Also, TIME is needed to mature a portfolio, so don't be dazzled into holding only potential high flyers. The TOTAL result is what matters for a happy retirement.


Yahoo! Finance
Message Boards
Wall Street Journal

Source: Staff Analyst.

Sterwest Limited does not offer specific investment advice or tips on any particular investment.  Information published on this page is purely for the general guidance and the convenience of discerning global investors.

Buy the Coolest Domains on the Net

You take a revolutionary business model with a 50-year history - network marketing - and you marry it with a revolutionary business model of the New Millennium - e-commerce - and what do you get? You get a dream business at the speed of light - a! You get e-networking!! Most people today have only a vague notion of how the Internet and e-commerce will impact their lives. takes readers by the hand and explains WHAT the Internet explosion is all about... WHY it's very real and very big... and HOW they can position themselves to profit in the trillion-dollar e-boom! is laced with charts, graphs, and anecdotes that help readers see "The Big Picture" and understand why e-networking can empower them to design their future and live their dreams in the e-economy. Here's What Your Prospects Will Learn from Why e-commerce is exploding and what it means to them Why e-commerce needs network marketing Why e-networking is the "Dreambiz" that millions of people all over the world have been waiting for Why the time to build your e-network is TODAY