

"Defying Gravity" is a touching drama centered around two college fraternity brothers, Griff and Pete. In the midst of raging hormones, constant partying and the girls who hang out, the two become lovers. Pete has a much more developed sense of himself and realises his environment doesn't exactly match his emerging sexuality. He moves out of the frat house in order to be true to himself, to his emerging sexual identity.

Early in the movie it becomes pretty evident that beyond their friendship and sexual attraction, the two boys are in very different places as far as addressing the reality of who they are.

After each encounter with Pete, Griff redoubles his efforts at seeking out girls for dates. He works hard at convincing himself that what he has with Pete is "just sex" and that he's not gay. Yet, it's apparent that he isn't concentrating on his schoolwork with any success and that somewhere inside himself, he is indeed in conflict and is becoming increasingly aware of his sexuality.

Writer/director John Keitel has created a compelling contemporary story. He does well in being faithful to presenting a film that conveys the essence of this story, keeping the lurid or sensational deliberately spare.

The film can be used in a multitude of settings, for entertainment and educational purposes.

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