What Can I Do?

This section is dedicated to helping gay teens find ways to help and be active in their community.

But First a Note:
    If you are in the closet. Don't be ashamed of being in the closet. It ok, it's something that everyone goes through, even if you don't come out. I am horrified by the statistics that gay teens are 2 to 3 times more likely to attempt suicide. And 30% of all completed suicides are by gay youth. This just brings me to tears. To believe that these teens have no where to go to talk about how they feel and not be judged. The fact that society shoves the view that gay is bad down the thoughts of these teens makes it that much worse. Coming out in high school can be a frightening thing. It is trust me I know! So if you need some support and can't find it e-mail me and I will help to the best of my abilities, whether it be finding a youth group near you or a hot line you can call.

My Words On Youth Activism

The Importance of Straight Supporters (coming soon)

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