My Words On Youth Activism

    What can I do? It's a simple enough question but not everyone has the right answers. It's easy to be involved in gay issues if you are out of the closet and very open, But let's face it not all of us are. So in this section I will do my best to provide ideas that you can use and expand upon, if your interest lies in helping out the gay community.

    First let's talk about those teens who are 18 or older. My 18th birthday is coming up in short of 2 months. I am very excited. The seemingly obvious thing for "adult teens" (those of us over 18) to do is vote. I can't express this point enough. Register to vote and use that power. It is a very important thing that the gay community has. If we don't use it to our advantage we are only going be fighting a larger battle.

    Vote, you say? That's not as easy as it sounds! Your right. There are tons and tons of ballot initiatives and propositions let alone the political candidates them selves. How do you go about making sense of these things. Well the internet is a great source for that information. You are bound to find a web page devoted to candidates and propositions that tell you exactly what the person or initiative stands for.
    Voting is important but being informed about the issues is just as, if not more, important. It's like loading a gun, closing your eyes and pulling the trigger. So read up, use that sample ballot to read about the candidates, find out who the gay community supports and why. You obviously don't have to vote for that person just because they are the gay vote but make sure you do know what the candidates views are or what the initiative says exactly. Those TV commercials don't give you all the information just that information that is going to sounds positive and appealing.

    VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! I can't say it enough!

    So now to us who are not 18 yet...

    Ok so we can't vote, we don't have that power. Well yeah it bites but there are still things we can do. I know I read the paper once in a while and lately gay issues have been hot. So hot that my schools news paper is starting to discuss the issue. A beautiful commentary was written by a friend of mine,  which you can read in the media section under school news papers. So I saw this as a golden opportunity to express my views.
    I took up my key board and mouse and started typing a letter. I fully endorsed the commentary, I have included my letter with the article in the media section. I signed my name to my letter and essentially came out to my school. While this was my step it does not have to be yours. Write a letter but sign it anonymous. It still gets the point through. Include a paragraph that explains why you are remaining anonymous. Again it still gets your views across. The same can be said for local papers. Write letters!!

    See what is going on in your community. When I came out in March to my friends and family I found a Gay youth group. I had no idea it existed till I found it. I was blown away. A gay youth group in the small little closed minded hick town that I live in. So of course I rounded up a few friends and we went. I had a blast!!! I have been going to that group for almost a year  now. They have asked me on to the board of directors and I gladly accepted. Again this is something that you don't have to be out to do. There are people that attend the group that are still closeted. There is some deception on their part because they need to lie to their parents. While I'm not going to say I endorse the deception, you need to do what you need to do to feel better about your self.

    Through the youth group I have had opportunities to do work for/with my community in the areas of community beautification, help organizing community functions (such as a gay prom), and all other sorts of things. It is very rewarding to know that I am doing some help. Again you don't have to be out to go pick up trash on the side of the road to help your community. It's not a fun job granted but it is doing your part not only for the community but for the environment, which is something else I am a big believer in.

    Being out is a definite advantage but it is a very personal decision and choice and it shouldn't be the only way to get things done. I can only speak for my personal experience of coming out, but it was wonderful. I became closer to all my friends, I found a vast pool of support from people I would have never believed would be. I had random people that I didn't know shaking my hand and congratulating me. My mother had her beginning worries and fears but she read some books and is now an unending source of support. A article was written about my coming out in the local news paper. This was a really big step for me as it was publicly coming out, including the family member that didn't know. The support is still there but not all the family has reported yet!! Keep your fingers crossed.

    So now that we come to the end of my rambling, I hope I have provided some ideas on stuff you can do. If you have any more or better ones e-mail me and I will put them up with due attribution.

Love and Light to you all, and my the Goddess ever watch over you,


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