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There are no comics to be seen here. I don't make any myself, 'cause I don't consider myself that good at drawing.

But the thought has struck me that some of my stories could make very good comic books... or even comic novels. The one story I really feel could be a good comic book is A Different World. Maybe a bit of Manga style over it? So now I'm looking for someone who does consider himself good at drawing and would like to have a go at turning A Different World into a comic version. If you're interested then make a couple of drawings inspired by a scene of your own choise from this story and attach them to a mail and send to me. It doesn't have to be drawings from the same scene, you may chose several different. Either at most three different separate pictures or one comic strip/page if you prefer. Send as gif or jpg. I can't pay anyone any money. I don't get paid for writing stories but just do it for the fun of it. Any payment for making a comic book would in that case be from a publisher if any publishing company choose to publish it.

Hej! Om ni inte förstår engelska (av någon konstig anledning) och hoppas på en översättning av det som står här ovanför så kan ni glömma det. *sträcker ut tungan* Jag orkar nämligen inte översätta det. Men om ni är här så är det förmodligen främst för att läsa mina noveller och i så fall så är det bara att klicka på länken "Svenska noveller" till vänster.

Om ni vill skriva beundrarbrev eller bara komma i kontakt med mig ändå så klicka på länken "First Contact" och plita ner ett email till mig!


This page was last edited 08-23-2000
©Superflous Productions