Make a Difference

* Become a member of PFLAG and join with thousands of people from all walks of life, working to end discrimination against gay, lesbian or bisexual people.

* Teach your children that being gay, lesbian or bisexual is simply another means of expressing love.

* If one of your family members if gay, lesbian or bisexual, be sure to let them know you love them just the way they are.

* Don't tell anti-gay jokes, perpetuating the stereotypes about gays and lesbians is harmful to those we love.

* Read our PFLAG literature and find out more about what it is really like to be gay, lesbian or bisexual in our society.

* Be open with others about having gay, lesbian or bisexual friends or family. Secrecy breeds shame.

* If you overhear someone making an anti-gay comment, let them know you don't agree or approve.

* Write Congress to protest anti-gay legislation, and to support pro-gay or equal rights legislation.

* Encourage open and honest discussion of gay, lesbian or bisexual issues in your home, workplace and church.

* Stand with those who believe that discrimination against anyone is a crime against humanity -- take a stand with PFLAG!

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Updated 1/29/99