March 2001
Entry #11: 03/11/01...4:55PM
Well...Only got 15 more shopping days until I turn the big 25...Some sort of milestone year, yet somehow I feel like it's more of an on-hold
I know it's been a while since I last wrote in this thing, but I guess not too much in the momentous realm has been happening...
I recently started dating someone, but I'm still waiting to see whether I think it will be noteworthy before I make too big a deal of it in here...No
offense, if you're reading this (insert your guess here).
I'm still thinking of the cruiseship thing, but may just be satisfied with living more toward the city...& strongly considering applying for one of the city
bars...$$$ Money looked good...
Well, that's about all that's been going on with me...Keep you posted as things develop...As things are wont to do...
Entry #12: 03/29/01...3:43PM
Well...Turns out that waiting is always a good idea...hehe...
My birthday went very well...I got a surprise BDay party with friends...very nice...Will have a couple of pix of that & my St. Patty's Day festivities very
soon...As always I will link from here as well as the page...
Waiting to celebrate another cutie's BDay today...hehe...
Well...I may have a job @ Roscoe's as soon as I move into the city...