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My Story

I grew up in a small town in central Texas. I didn't really realize that I was a lesbian until I was much older. I had a good friend through school. We used to do everything together. Later, she moved on with her life. My parents & I moved to south Texas where I finished school, and got married. All the time I was married, I found myself more attracted to other females. In 1966-68, I was living in Houston, Tx., with my husband. I was the sole supporter for us. I worked as a topless dancer, then exotic dancer for those two years. My first encounter did not come until later on, but I always enjoyed watching the other dancers perform. In 1982, my husband decided that he wanted to become involved with "swinging couples". (Secretly, I feel he was bi-sexual, although he never admitted it.) He made contact with a couple in Fort Worth, Tx. That is when I met Lynn. She was my first relationship. From then on, I admitted it to myself that I preferred this lifestyle. Having gotten a divorce in 1984, I have not had any other relationships with men. I have had three girl friends since 1994. For whatever reasons, we each decided to end the relationships. Now I am back in south Texas, working and enjoying my life. If there are to be any changes in my life in the future, I shall add them here.

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