D'Antone's bits
Hello, welcome to my bit of the web.  Here you can find something out about me, maybe more than you'd like to and maybe less...

I guess the first thing you're after is a picture, so here you go.  There's more of them
Now for the basic stuff.
I'm 18 years old and birthday's 24th December 1982.  My name's pronounced "dane ten" and the rest of it is very long and mostly unpronouncable so I won't tell you it.
I was born in Kristiansand in Norway, then my family moved to Oslo when I was 5 then moved to London when I was 11.  I think of London more as home than anywhere in Norway  now although I still visit my relatives there regularly.
At the moment I
work for a photographic agency and in September 2001 I will go to university back in Norway to study marine biology.  I have quite a lot of fish and other sea creatures which keep me very occupied, unfortunately I had to donate some of them to the Zoo earlier this year because I have to travel a lot for my job and couldn't give them enough attention, but I kept my favourite ones, so I can still keep learning about them before I go to college.
I used to play football for the school team, but gave up football when I left, I also like snowboarding, surfing, skateboarding and anything which gives me an adrenaline rush.  The only sport I get to do regularly now is swimming, which I do every day.
When I have some free time I like spending it with friends going to the cinema, clubs, or going to see bands playing.  When I'm on my own I like reading (all sorts of things), gardening (I live by myself in the basement of my mum's house, so I like to open the windows in the morning and see flowers instead of a jungle), listening to opera (not considered cool, usually by people who've never listened to more than 5 minutes of one......),  and chatting to people on the internet.
That's probably enough basic information for now, if you want to know any more follow the links