
Sarah Fester's Home on the Web!

Hello, all! My name is Sarah Fester. I am 22 years old, and I live in Des Moines. I really like living in Des Moines; there are many things to do. I spend a lot of time at the Des Moines Civic Center. I love to see the shows that come through. I go to SImpson College, and I am an English education major. I love to read and write, and I hope to teach high school English. I work right now at a little bar in D.M. called Toad Holler. I am a country girl to the core and I love to shoot pool and line dance at my bar. Anyway, I am always online and I love a good chat, so email me and we can talk! Looking foward to hearing from you!

Thanks for Visiting!

Please send mail to:
Sarah Fester
6605 SW 17th st
Des Moines Iowa