Transformational Fiction and Graphics brought to you by AUC 2747

My Slant on things Transgendered - Or, Through the Looking Glass
As long  as there have been men and women, men have probably wondered, "What's it like to be a woman?" . . . certainly, the ancient Greeks alleged, through the legend of Tiresias, that women actually had it better, at least as far as sex was concerned. Of course, given the way the ancient greeks treated their women, this wasn't much of a consolation.
I guess a psychiatrist could have a field day with this particular fantasy - but they can, and do, with damn near every
other fantasy that human beings have, so why should this one be any different? Its often forgotten, but the sexiest organ in the human body is the MIND . . . so why worry about what people's fantasies are if they don't hurt anyone?
Anyway, the fantasy of male-female transformations has always been one that has been attractive to me - but I always thought that it was, well, weird. Until, around six months ago, when, purely by accident, I came across this

Where I'm coming from: Stories on this Site
Fictionmania (thank's Mindy!) proved to be a real revelation - and I spent the next several weeks gradually working my way through the stories and graphics there.
By the time I'd finished, I decided,
"Hey, I can write at least as well as some of these people!", so I spent some time writing my first piece, The Coven #2: Elephant and Castle, which has been available on FM for some time now.
After E&C appeared, and was moderately well received, some of the respondents asked
"When will your next story appear?", to which I'd say . . . here and now! Just be warned, I'm not (and never have been) the fastest of writers . . . even when I'm doing Technical Writing (which is what do semi-professionally) I tend to work slowly, so there are only a small number of stories here, though I hope more will follow, as they sa in the software industry, "Real Soon Now!"

Graphics on this Site
After I finished reading my way through FM, and started my writing efforts, I followed some of the Links and discovered some of the excellent TG Graphics sites . . . especially Robo's World which was also an inspiration.
There are considerably more graphics included, here as these are a
lot easier to do (though searching for suitable graphics o n the 'Net is really time consuming - maybe one of these days I'll be able to justify getting a scanner <sigh> ) - and, while they probably don't equal the quality of some of those that appear on Robo's site, I'd like to think that they're pretty reasonable.
The main problem (and you better be aware of it) is that I haven't figured out how to get a quality image
and keep the file size as low as those that I've seen elsewhere. I don't know whether it's a limitation of the software I'm using or whether there's something else going on that I haven't figured it out yet. So many of the graphics files are in excess of 100k rather than the 20-40k that others seem to achieve L
Still, I hope that the selection that is on offer will be of some interest to you . . .