My Little Corner of the World
I`m Rebecca Lynn.....
Please come on in, and feel free to browse around.
I shall attempt to describe myself , my feelings, and my view of life in this great big World.
First of all.....I am a transgendered crossdresser. That is to say, that I feel both femine and masculine at different times. For example, while I`m working I`m definitely masculine and do a masculine job, when I`m in a typical everyday social situation I`m in a masculine role. However, when I`m at home my femine side emerges and usually I`m dressed in femine clothing and feel very femine. I love to have my makeup on as well as jewelry and a classy outfit. I think, act, and speak in a totally femine manner. I am very comfortable and feel very open this way. This crisscrossing of roles has at times caused a few minor problems. For example, I`ve been at work, or social occasions, and some of the women that I`m around alot and comfortable with have been having conversations about normal everyday femine topics. I find myself starting to assume my femine role, wishing very much to join in the conversation or activity. So far I have been able to catch myself before anyone has noticed, thus avoiding any problem. Keeping this guard up has not been a problem so far, however I`m a little concerned that someday I`ll be tired and forget where I`m at and slip completely into my femine side before I realize what I`m doing. This could cause some real problems. Hopefully this will never happen, but the possibility exsists. I would love to be completely open and honest with the world, however I realize that this is not possible in the everyday world I live in. So for now, until social attitudes, change I shall have to remain this way and try to maintain a delicate balance between both sides of my persona. 1/14/99

One of my favorite pastimes is riding my horse. I love to ride anytime I can!
Of course I love to shop for new clothes to wear for a girls night out! Sometimes I might pick something casual, or for those nights I`m in the mood, something soft and sensual!! New earrings are always nice too!
I like to meet new people in the GeoCities chat rooms.

Check out the Community Leaders for my neighborhood. They're great!
If you find something interesting or just want to visit, chitchat, or whatever. Please email me at:
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