Ann L Retentive

Ann L Retentive
Born Anastasia Lucrectia Rententive in Minsk, she legally shortenned her name to Ann as she was constantly being mistaken for an ordinary princess. Ann began swimming at an early age, and went off to find her fame and fortune in show business, becoming the Russian Ester WIlliams. Unfortunately poor Ann's films, like her, wound up mostly on the cutting room floor.

After her film career ended, she was lucky to join the June Taylor dancers Appearing regularly on the Jackie Gleason show until she proved just how big mr gleson's mouth is. The scandal cost her her job, and her visa and had to go back to Russia, where Helena Pantyliner put her talents to use. Ann now is the head coach, and choreographs most of the team's routines. Although she's hung up her speedo, she continues to keep wet one way or another. Drop Ann a note and support the team! 1