Welcome to Renee!!

"With The Eyes Of A Child"


This is Me, Christmas of 1998   


Hello, All you wonderful people out there eveywhere! My name is Renee, a wiggly, giggly, transitioned, transsexual woman of the spirit. I am an agile, athletic, enduring and endearing, sexy, middle aged creature at 5'10" with 140 pounds of high energy grace and femininity. I descended into this Earth realm as a Gemini in the State of Wisconsin, USA, of Swiss-Scandinavian ancestry, but moved to California years ago, graduating from UCLA. I now live in Northern Califonia, and make my living as a traveling artist exhibiting my sculture all over the USA. I love travel to new and exotic places all over the world, and here in the USA meeting the millions of people monthly at my shows.

At home in the garden

I knew there was something "different" about me at an early age, and eventually realized I was a woman in my inner nature. Finally, out of compulsion, and, later, desperation, I transitioned to the lovely self-realized woman pictured. I love being the woman I am, but I did not hate the beautiful "man" I was. In this I feel free, unconfined, undefined and unshackeled, at last, to live the way I want. I love being a woman! I love my gentlness, softness and sexual, spiritual surrender. I love to feel and radiate my womanly sexuality wandering this world, catching eyes at airports on business, at the tennis court, wearing something sexy, royally elegant, or nothing at all; slithering, and sunning my beautiful buns in the soft sands of a nude beach, or dripping over a moist Redwood tree. I love to please with my body in sight and touch, and that inner glow that can only come from one truly happy, and at peace with their spirit.

    I have a girl friend, Margot, who is so like me it is uncanny. The story of the circumstances by which we met rivals the most beautiful, and spiritually romantic epics I have ever read, or heard. In this we awe and trust in our free-willed destiny!  We are lovers in the spirit, with the passions of the mind and body. As bisexual creatures, we sometimes entertain men, or women, but always together.  It is said: "that the value of the whole is greater than the sum of it's parts"  Nothing could be more true of us in our complementary erotic beauty together.

  Renee Loves Margot

My motto is: "With the eyes of a child"  It is from this wonderous view I try to look at this life and it's diversity of people, places, ideas, creativity, sexuality, spirituality and even life's pondering idiosyncrasies. Like the French meaning of my name, "Rene'e", meaning rebirth and renewal, I look at life anew, from a different view in the masterpiece of every moment; that I can look at all with the innocent vision of a child. 

Love and respect to all,

"With the eyes of a child"   

New Year's 1999 with "The Mob"

To see what I used to look like, click Here

I want you to "E" me...... Renee

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