Hello Wellcome to my personal website about me. After all who else would it be about. So wellcome to the woderfull website that is "do you dre am i n co lor ?" Cool name huh? Yeah I know it sucks but then again what don't?
    As you know I am Derrick Forshee. And yes if your just wondering I am gay. Sorry I am not single anymore.
    Any ways I recently got a different job, I hate it already and am desperete to get a different one. Anyways I'm the 2nd Assistant Manager at Burger King on Zeeb Rd in Ann Arbor. What really sucks is I get paid for 50 hrs but get schudled 55hrs and end up working 70 hrs a week. Plus in January our First Assistant Manager was transfered out. So than I have been expected to fill in and do his job but all the while not getting paid for it. Before this I worked as an Assistant Manager at Bob Evans in Dundee and than in Ann Arbor :-) . Now I  used to be a manager at KFC / TacoBell. 
    Anyways I love sweet nice and cute boys between 16 and 24. (I've been know to make exceptions) I perfer white guys but I can't let that stand in the way of love. So check out my profile and tell me if your interested like I said I have a car and a job so I'm willing to travel if your willing to be a friend.

    If wish to contact me you may send me and My main e-mail is derrickforshee@yahoo.com ; d.forshee@excite.com ; dforshee@stu.wccnet.org ; . I have a few other address plus a secret webserver (lots of porn) for those few peeps I know extremly well. I did have one untill the fire. Around June of 2005 my house cought fire and burned to the ground. I lost everything I ever owned.
Doesn't matter what sex you are just be my friend is all I ask from the visitors of this website. 

Last Update: 03/09/06
Next Update: Unknown

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Th is Que erY out h Si teIsO wne dBy Der ric kFo rsh ee .

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Str8 (Likes icky girls)
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