B2020- Featuring new forum to visualize and 
plan for a better 2020.  These forums are to identify and share 
the best solutions to the most serious problems.  
B2020 needs links and documents!     action  strategy.
B2020 is really just started on Saturday! Please check again for printer-friendly documents, etc. (or submit your own files to the egroup so they can be used here)

intro: As of 2008, the world seems in crisis and getting worse. But solutions already exist to the major crisis, simply by using more modern resources, The question is when? When will enough people know the right solutions to solve the global problems? Our goal is for enough progress by 2020 to stop global warming before Greenland melts, which would make a billion people homeless and bring untold chaos. B2020 prefers to formulate a global plan to use existing knowledge and establish world peace, peronal freedom, and stability. There are detailed so l to world hunger & poverty, bad govt., war, religious conflict, greenhouse gas emissions and global warming, the energy and transportation shortages, and even the current economic crisis. B2020 will focus on long term solutions, and readers are asked to submit additional logical solutions to additional problems, because of all society's problems should be solved. Predictions are largely based on social evolution, and the best ideas will win out sooner or later. top

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    action  strategy.     top  The basic strategy is to
gather links and documentation proving how society can best plan for the future so that
readers can help share B2020 info publicly.  We want modernization to happen sooner, before 2020, so 
more people need to know before modern solutions can be implemented.
 Supporters can use the info for letters to newspapers, information tables, etc.
Use the forums to contribute... . . . . . . ... . top
forums Just started Sat!  (re-started?) 
A new Craigslist new forum  will be the easiest place for questions and discussing issues, 
and it is 100% public. Anyone can post anonymously. (enter a dash"-" for "handle" )
This egroup was actually started for B2020's twin-site,    Berkeley2020. (not updated yet!)
But now it can be used for ideas and questions.  forumslister.com  
Egroup:    messages . links . add links  . 
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 Like the web, key modern solutions will inevitably   .     top 
change the world incredibly, and be benefit by planning ahead. ie:

1: Super-efficient transportation, most likely solar-powered rail trams by
 Cybertran.com  will be the dominant transportation, 
cutting emissions and living costs worldwide, also giving us
 enormous economic growth without pollution.  A $400 billion investment
 will give the U.S. super-efficient transit nationwide and restore the economy.

2- Better govt. using "ranked voting" ("IRV") election modernization:

Future governments worldwide will use IRV to count the will of more voters, resulting in better govt. policy, overcoming ethnic hostility, and making civil wars obsolete. IRV elections simultaneously empower minorities and independant voters while cutting the influence of campaign money.

3-New orchards worldwide: A third inevitability is the worldwide effort for the poor to steward rural land, growing food trees to feed themselves, end poverty and fight global warming and other problems. Trams and IRV are probably needed first.

4: A unified theory of Religion is emerging: These are the critical beliefs shared by all major religions, such as that people should generally be good to each other. People and societies that agree to share these ideas without fighting over the details will prosper, and along with the other modernizations will help end all war forever.

5: Emergency short term strategies: Global warming can be stalled a few years by seeding the ocean, shading the earth, painting roofs white, and planting trees, for example. These desperate measures will only help lin conjunction with the long-term modernizations.

6The U.S. economic crisis can only be solved by raising property values again. The "bailout" so far will only be inflationary, and foreclosure sales continue to keep prices low because the foreclosure market is overwhelmed. There should be a temporary moratorium on foreclosure sales to stabilize the market, and a commitment to restore America's economic health with a national commitment to a new modern transportation system nationwide.

7-The solar powered national tram system is designed to follow the center-divider of the national interstate freeway system, and can be built by 2020 for about $400 billion, and will be very profitable. Public and private lightweight electric trams will be allowed, and local trams systems can be connected in nationwide. Property values will climb again because transportation costs will be so much lower. Values will rise as soon as the U.S. makes the commitment.

Many other modernizations are inevitable and should be listed B2020 is just getting started with the global biggies that are not now being addressed fast enough, but many other solutions are needed. B2020 will be complete!

Use the forums to contribute. .. . . . . . . ... . top

    problems.      top

For now B2020 is focusing on the most serious problems contributing to global warming that should be addressed urgently:

A: The wars in middle East: These people desperately need IRV election reform to allow political reconciliation. The outdated "parliamentary" system thrust on the people does not empower voters or encourage reconciliation, it only empowers party leaders and other powerful men. We must provide better election equipment and support to bring peace faster.

B:Hunger, poverty and homelessness: These intertwined issues must be addressed to end population growth. It is still too difficult for the destitute and illiterate to live where they could grow their own food without having to pay rent. To stop global warming, even the poor need to be able to grow their own food, even if they need outside assistance, especially drip-irrigation equipment for trees. There is enough land and it will easily accessible with the trams of the future.

C: Transportation problems and waste are largely responsible for direct CO2 emissions, also health problems, wasted time, wars for oil and environmental destruction.

D: Oppression breeds poverty: Economic growth from trams and better democracy will help reduce oppression, but the other solutions are complex.

E: The U.S. economic crisis can only be solved by raising property values again. The "bailout" so far will only be inflationary, and foreclosure sales continue to keep prices low because the foreclosure market is overwhelmed. There should be a temporary moratorium on foreclosure sales to stabilize the market, and a commitment to restore America's economic health with a national commitment to a new modern transportation system nationwide.

Use the forums to contribute. .. . . . . . . ... . top

    problems.      top

Use the forums to contribute.

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   problems.       top
Old: Berkeley2020 - What future do we want?-temporary-revised Oct 6 3 easy long-term ways to improve South Berkeley
    problems.      top

Ending terrorism: 1st, we need to acknowledge that atleast a billion peopleare in deep anguishe because there world is changing so fast, mostly for the worse, and there is nothing that thg that they can do about it. Prices are going up, rents are goingn up, andn teh rich don't seem to care.

What's needed is for the 1st world to commit to the future, to show that everyone will have modern transportation and energy, so they will not have to live in crowded slums to be close enough to work. When great transportation is available, many social problems will be addressed.

Use the forums to contribute.

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    problems.      top

Use the forums to contribute.

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