Jpilot jIRC applet only support Netscape4.0, IE4.0 or above.
Please grant the permission when the pop up window appears from Netscape and IE.

This chat program will connect you with the Chat. There are usually anywhere from 50 to 200 people in the chat room.

Where it says "Nickname: Guest," type in a chat nickname and click the *Connect Now!* button on the bottom. Enjoy.

General Notes:

1. NICKNAME: Where it says "Guest," type your nickname there now. Note: Only 9 characters are allowed.

2. NICKNAME: Can be changed in chat by typing /nick nickname (nickname = any 9 character name you want to use and not already in use by someone else) in the message input line. If the particular name you want to use is already in use by someone else, it won't accept the change. If this happens, try it with a ^,',or` as one of the letters.

3. You can only be one chat room (channel) at a time, using this Jpilot applet program. You can be in multiple rooms using the mIRC chat program.

4. To send a PRIVATE Message to any individual in the room, just double click on their name. A private window will open.

5. Disregard the ##### messages. They aren't seen by anyone else in the chat room. They're only a notice that this is a "Demo" program, and while free for "demo" use, the program authors want to "encourage" users to register (pay $49 for) the program.

6. You can also chat directly on the main BiggerCity website. Just go to BiggerCity.

WHEN FINISHED, just close the chat and click Back.