Welcome to my Homepage ! 

Tasha Hunter 



Thanks for stopping by to check out my temporary site. My official site is currently under construction and is expected to be completed in about 2 to 3 weeks. For now, I have posted a few pictures of myself here on AOL so you can all get a taste of what I look like. Sorry I can't post hardcore here, but AOL will remove this page if I do. Not to worry though, in a couple weeks you can all have your fill of the good stuff when  my real site is finally complete!  When ready, the site will be located at TashaHunter.com Hope you all enjoy the sample photos in the meantime and feel free to e-mail me and check back for site updates!

  current releases...........Rock that Ass 3.............Sex Offenders 8...........Gangland 7.............Very Bad Things...........We Go Deep 2...........Canvas...............plus more hot videos to cum!