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The Story So Far...
This homepage was created in late May 1996 and has been updated until March 9th, 2000 .
On April 1st 2004, I decided to remove almost everything and to leave this "anonymous" opening place keeper as the only sign of my existence on the web.
The only reason of my choice is that I found several direct links to my subpages from people who sent me not even a word to ask or notify it. It's not fun to find ourselves listed in searching motors not from our own homepages, but from those kind of links.
I sincerely thank Geocities / Yahoo for having hosted me so kindly in these years, their contribution to my learning web-editing is priceless and the wide variety of helps, editing tools and tools for creating, keeping and decorating webpages is really great.
I don't know if or when I'll modify, update (or even delete) this homepage, that is my first, original webplace. Note added April 2007.