The Cool Down Spell
    For this Spell you will need these ingredients:
  • a piece of paper 
  • a plastic container 
  • some water 
  • a piece of fish 
  • a refrigerator freezer 

This Spell is especially good for freezing out pesky ex-boyfriends. You know the one that he keeps mentioning with glowing praise and a special gleam in his eye? Yes, well, if you've been looking longingly through the jewellery shop and he's definitely not on your wedding-guest list, this Spell should do the trick.

For this Spell to work, you'll need to find out his full name.

The best time to cast this Spell is on the night of a Full Moon, preferably at midnight.

Write his full name on the piece of paper. Roll the paper into a ball and put it into the plastic container along with the water and the fish. Then put it all in the freezer compartment of your fridge, in a place where you know it won't be disturbed or found(especially not by your boyfriend).

Leave it the for as long as it takes.