I'm Young.  I Vote.  I'm NOT Voting Bush :: thePledge04.com

This is a page about ABIES.

This is an adult subject. So if you are not 18, please leave. If this subject offends you, go to a site that will not offend your sense of propriety. Adult babies have NOTHING to do with pedophilia. On the contrary.

There is no nudity or sexual conduct on our web pages.


This is me as an adult male.

This is me as a baby boy.

I signed up on 06/01/99 18:13:42, I hope to be up and running as soon as I learn how this works.

Please come back soon and visit me.

This page will be growing by leaps and bounds in the next few weeks, so do come in again.

Thank You Mommy Angel for this lovely site You have created for me. This is the first site I have online and have Mommy Angel to thank for it.

Well as a person can tell by the content of this site I am an Adult baby I have built a couple sites and hope to link them all together to make one nice site but without Mommy Angel this would have never started for me. I first found the Adult baby lifestyle was actually something many others live when I got an adult newspaper and saw in it DPF and decided to check it out. Then one day I buy a webtv to experience the web then is when I met Mommy Angel online She seemed to be so nice and I loved Her to death and still feel deeply indebted to her for this lovely contribution

Another Interest of Mine

Well Another interest I have found while online is Domination and submission I have created pages that center around my two loves and creating a crossroads between the two Very different but similar lifestyles In D/s you can learn so much from Castlerealm There is many good learning resources out there and I love so many but this site is very extensive and large it takes awhile to learn how to navigate through it. Anyway Adult Baby and D/s can and often does go hand in hand.

Mommy's Page

< BR> This Adult bABY Ring site owned by BABY CHUCKY.
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