I'm Young.  I Vote.  I'm NOT Voting Bush :: thePledge04.com

this page updated and changed on March 26,2002 style here is a lovely diapered teddy just for you sweet baby!

If you click on the teddy it will take you to the place a lovely lady called Muffin makes them specially for YOU !

Please come back soon and visit me.


Here is a little fantasy story I wrote its not perfect by a long shot but I did it on my own

An Adult Baby's Desires

I came home from work one day and my wife said "Honey go upstairs to the tub. BUT Don't get in just yet" I did as I was told I went upstairs to the bathroom and saw where she had for the first time run a bathtub full of water So since I was tired I sat down on the toilet. Then after a few moments my wife came up and walked in and as she entered she looked at me and said "Well this will be a night for you to remember forever dear, You go and work hard on your job everyday to make sure I am well cared for So now is the time for me to give you some appreciation in return." I smiled as I thought she was going to give me some of the best sex ever, Which could not have been farther from the truth. So Mary (my wife) then looked at me and told me to come over to her I got up and walked over and she said "Well let me start off by giving my baby a bath" I really didn't pay much attention to the fact she called me baby as she calls me that all the time. She then started undressing me undoing my tie and unbuttoning my shirt then slowly she removed it. Then she reached down unbuttoning my pants and pulling them down as I step out of them then she removed my underwear which was a pair of bikini's for men with zebra print on them. Then taking me by the hand she helped me in the tub. Grabbing the soap and wash cloth she started washing my face. I hated that part as she got soap in my eyes and I kind of let out a whimper. Mary looked at me in a motherly way and said "I'm sorry baby I didn't mean to burn your eyes with the soap" I just felt so much childish as I was enjoying every moment of the bath she washed my genitals and I suddenly got an erection where I was anticipateing the rest of the night. Well after the bath Mary looked at me and told me to stand up then she dried me off with the towel ignoring my erection. Then she told me to go to the bedroom and leave the lights out and lay on the bed totally nude as she had plenty of surprises awaiting me. By now I was really getting excited so I walked into the bedroom turned out the lights and layed down on the bed rubbing my genital area where it by now was aching for what was about to happen. Then slowly my wife Mary walked into the bedroom with what looked like her hands full but with what I didn't know. I was grinning from ear to ear as I also noticed she only had on her brazier and panties then she closed the door behind her and I only could see her shadow then she laid by my side and started kissing me and rubbing my entire body with what felt like some kind of lotion then in my heat of passion I smelled the smell of babylotion but in my passion it just reminded me of the time my mother took care of me along with the anticipation of being with my wife I was lost in extasy she started rubbing me until she finally made me cum. I looked up at her with a whimper and said somewhat dissappointed "Honey why did you waste it on a handjob?" then I felt a slap to my bottom She said "I don't want to hear them words come out of my baby's mouth again. I have asked you for a baby so many times only to get rejected so tonight I get my wish YOU will be my baby tonight and tomorrow and the next day since this is a weekend and you aren't working" I then yelled "HELL NO AIN'T NO WAY, I'm no baby and will not be a baby" then suddenly she turned me over and cuffed me to the bed and started giving me a spanking with a hairbrush saying "Babies WILL NOT talk to me that way<smack> and you <smack> WILL <smack> be my <smack> baby. After the spanking she released one hand of mine from the bed to turn me over faceing upwards I was now crying hard because I haven't been spanked like that since I was a child then she recuffed my wrist to the bedpost and placed a diaper under my bottom I must admit the softness of the diaper did help console my bottom. Then she got a bottle and placed it in my mouth to try and hush me..I was powerless against her as I tried to not take the bottle but soon realized I would be better off to do as I was told. Then Mary started rubbing my head talking in a soft motherly voice "Now now baby you are my sweety and I'll take good care of you my dear" I was by now sucking on the bottle in shock at the turn of events Being that my wife was always so soft and mild and very loving but now she was showing a part of her I had never seen before. Well the night grew very dark and I had to go to the bathroom so I started to get up but the cuffs had me still in place. I looked over at my wife and said "Sweety I need to go to the bathroom could you take this diaper off me and let me go?" Mary then looked at me and said "Well thats why you have a diaper on its because babies don't go potty in the bathroom they go in their diapers" Then she gave me a very evil grin and added, "So if baby got to go potty then baby has the potty on him so dear I will change you when you are finished pottying" I looked at her all dumbfounded with my eyes swelling up with tears. Then Mary started to rub my hair again and said "Well...are you going to go pee pee for mommy? hmmmm" I could not wait any longer so I busted loose peeing in the diaper and blushing from the embarrassment and with tears swelling up in my eyes once again. Then Mary, who by now was enjoying the power she now held over me, Just smiled and rubbed between my legs on my dick saying, "Now thats my baby. Does my baby need his diaper changed?" And with me in my current situation all I could do was to agree since I didn't want to lay there in a wet diaper all night long because of the handcuffs I was unable to take the diaper off myself. I just looked up at her all helpless and said "Yes dear I definately do need changed " about that time I got a smack to my face and she said in a mean tone "YOU WILL address me as Mommy, Not wife not dear not even Mary but I am Mommy is that perfectly clear or else I will turn you into my baby girl and place you in dresses and pigtails" Then she paused a moment and then got an evil grin on her face once again and oh boy was I dreading what was to come from her grin then she spoke again saying, "Hmmmmm Thats not a bad Idea. I think I'll do it anyway. hmmmmm What shall I call you? since your name is Charles I think it will become Charlene. Yes thats right Charlene and you will be so cute by the time I am finished with you. Tomorrow I think I'll get my sister Marcia to come over and babysit you while I go shopping. You'll like her because she just had a baby and she will take good care of you. But in the mean time lets get Charlene's diaper changed shall we?" Mary then got up from the bed and walked over to the closet and pulled out several Items then she turned on the light. I was almost blinded by the sudden light in my eyes. Then I looked down at my diapered condition and a new total embarrassment feeling came across me as I saw not only was I wearing a diaper but it was pink with lots of little Mermaid pictures all over it like a Nursery print of some sort. Then My wife...I mean Mommy came over to the bed with the things she had stored up. And as she approached me she said in a soft gentle motherly tone of voice, "Now is my little girl all wet honey? Well Mommy will get you all changed and out of your wet diaper." She then smiled at me as she set down on the foot of the bed and got out another diaper still with the same nursery print all over it. Then she undid my diaper and folded it down saying, "Wow my little girl did pee pee allot you are soaked." She emphasized the word soaked to a big degree and my face was so red I could feel the anger and embarrassment flowing deep within myself. Then she grabed the baby wipes and rubbed and cleaned me up totally then she removed the soaked diaper from under my bottom folding it up tightly and placing it in a diaper pail beside the bed. Then she grabbed out the baby lotion all the while cooing and making baby sounds to me as she rubbed the lotion all over my genitals and even reaching under my bottom to stick a finger inside my bottom then to my surprise she started running her finger in and out and then added a second finger and started screwing my bottom I was amazed as I didn't know it but I started to soon cum and wasn't even hard then she smiled even bigger and said, "Does My little girl like being fucked during a diaper change?" She didn't even give me a chance to answer before she said, "Well sure she does she made a baby cum for mommy so I know the answer to my question" so then she placed the new diaper under my bottom and sprinkled lots of baby powder all over my diapered area then she pinned the diaper in place and grabbed out a pair of see through plastic pants out placeing them over my feet and up my legs over my bottom then she ran her finger around the elastic gathers to make sure all the diaper was inside securely. Well then my wife.....OOOooops I mean Mommy got up and turned out the lights again and went downstairs and when she came back she had a baby bottle and layed down beside me went to stick it in my mouth. I tried to hold my mouth shut then she grabbed one of my legs folding up my bottom for her reach and she started whipping me again. I lost count at about 40 smacks and by now I had started crying again listening to her demands once again of me being her baby and I would be treated as such and bottle feeding were a big part of it as much as diapers. She finally stopped whipping me and placed the bottle in my mouth and told me to drink up then she started stroking my head. Well I soon quit crying and fell off to sleep. The next morning dawned and I woke up noticing the handcuffs were no longer on me and thought it must had just been a dream so I started to smile then happened to feel a thickness between my legs so I raised the covers and looked "Oh my god it wasn't a dream it was real." Then my Mommy woke up and said, "How's Charlene this morning? My little baby sleepy good? Well Mommy will get up and fix you breakfast honey then I'll call Marcia to come and watch you. Mommy got to go get you some sweet cute little clothes sweety." Then I spoke up in a rough voice of my own "JUST WAIT A DAMN MINUTE HERE, I put up with this last night against my will and I'll be Damned if I'm going to" Just then she slapped me again so hard it made my head spin and she slapped me about 14 times I didn't realize just how powerful my wife was. You would understand what I mean if you saw how small she is She's 5 foot 3 inches and might weigh 98 pounds soaking wet. Plus I was raised to never hit a woman and she knew this so that was another thing in her favor. Well I must tell you I actually deep down was enjoying this to a point but was too embarrassed to admit it. Mommy then took me by the hand and walked me down the stairs, As I entered the kitchen I saw a high chair next to the table she looked at me and said, "Well this is where you sit sweety while mommy fixes you breakfast. By now I once again did not feel like argueing with her anymore so I got in the high chair and sat down then she placed a loop thing between my legs and ran a strap through the loop locking it in place and then she placed a tray in front of me also locking it. Then to my surprise she tied one wrist down then the other saying, "Well we got to make sure baby doesn't interfere with her feeding." then she walked back over towards the stove and was heating up something I didn't know what after she was finished she come back over and sat down in a chair in front of me with a 3 sectioned baby plate and an airplane baby spoon on the plate was something that looked almost like oatmeal. But after the first taste I knew it was baby cereal and was nothing like oatmeal at all. When she lifted the second bite to my lips I held my mouth shut tight I felt determined this time since I could not use my hands I turned my head. She tried a few more time trying to be motherly saying, "Now Charlene open up and let the plane fly in its good yummmmyyyyy!!!" As she stuck the food to her lips to act as though she was tasting it. Then she raised up after her repeated attempts to get me to open my mouth she then got behind me holding my head in place and holding my nose closed so I would have to open my mouth to breathe. Well I soon opened my mouth and in went the food and after a few times of that during my feeding I finally once again gave in to her and took the food. Not completely willing though but oh well such is the life of a baby...I guess. After she finally got me to finish eating that awful food she wiped off my face roughly. Then she undid my hands and took off the tray then undid the harness around my waist she then raised me up out of the chair standing in front of me like a very angry mommy she said, "Now baby you made it very difficult for mommy to feed you this morning so I think it is punishment time once again." She the busied herself by taking down my plastic pants and diaper then she grabbed a wooden spoon and commenced smacking my bottom and legs several times until I was in the floor crying then she grabbed a dildo and put some babylotion on it and stuck it in my bottom not to try to do sexual things with it but just stuck it in there and said, "Now lay down here while I put your diaper back on you" I looked up at her all confused eyes still full of tears and I asked just as sweet as I possibly could I said, "Mommy are you going to leave this thing inside me with a diaper on?" She smiled and said, "Yes I am and I better find it inside you when I get back home or there will be hell to pay young lady." So then she placed the diaper on me with the dildo still inside my bottom and then pulled the plastic pants up once again. Then she got me by the hand and pulled me up and said, "Now come with mommy to the living room while I call Marcia." Just then a knock came to the door and we walked to the door with me begging her not to answer it. But to no avail she did anyway and holding my hand with me dressed in that infantile clothing. To my surprise it was Marcia. She looked at Mary and said "Oh so you got another husband that likes to be babied huh? Oh my he makes a cute little baby. What's his baby name?" Then Marcia spoke up and said, "Well her name isn't a boys name her name is Charlene. and I was on my way to call you to ask if you minded babysitting Charlene for me today while I go get her some clothes." I was now really embarrassed even moreso now than ever because Marcia was the most beautiful woman I had ever met before and here she was seeing me in my baby clothing. Then Marcia smiled and pinched my cheeks and said, "Why sure I'd be happy to watch her for you Mary anytime but please don't take too long I have an appointment in about 5 more hours." Then Mary spoke up and said, "Well I shouldn't be gone mre than about 4 hours I will try to make it sooner." Then Mary walked out the door, Got in the car and drove off. Marcia then looked at me smileing and said, "So do you really like playing baby or did my sister get carried away again?" I looked at her with tears in my eyes and told her the complete story and added that being baby wasn't that bad but she was trying to be a mean mommy. Marcia smiled and said, "Well I know how to be a good mommy for you dear come here." She then sat down and layed me in her lap and stuck a breast in my mouth....One that had milk in it. I actually enjoyed the milk as she rocked me in the chair and hummed to me at the same time making me feel very loved. Finally she spoke up and said, "My husband left me because I too like babies and I especially enjoy Adult babies....Would you be my baby and go home with me?" I nearly cummed in my diaper at the thought of this woman being my mommy as I agreed and we left together as she now keeps me in line but also shows me lots of love. The End

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