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I would like to thank Destiny's Lady for the wonderful backgrounds!

-the act of deceit
-a mistaken perception of reality
-to stimulate the interest or curiosity of
-an imagined event fulfilling them all

Chel To live a life so full of disguise can make a person so filled up with frustration its no wonder she needs a place to come out. A place to feel safe and secure. Her own world of fantasy. She can be free of all inhibitions and express her feelings without prejudice. It's time for her to say "No More" to society, to those that force her to be hidden away. Here she lives and breaths, here she is beautiful, vulnerable and luscious. Here she is happy, here she is sad, here she can feel whatever she wants to feel.

Beauty is not what's outside, its what we feel and possess inside. She is happy when known to others, she is sad when hidden from the world. No one really understands her. Why does she exist? No one knows for sure but to those who hold her and accept her are those who have figured themselves out and are true to themselves.

Let me out, don't fear me or chastise me. Get to know me, I am so full of life and energy you will come to realize my inner beauty.

I am Chel Li welcome to my world.

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This page has been updated on January 19, 2002.
New Pics in Portfolio Section!
Also New October 2000 Section! Come back soon!!!

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