Welcome to Dawn's Domain
Site updated June 2000
I've finally gotten round to updating the site. Hope you like it .

It's only fair to warn you that this site deals with issues of transvestism. If that's not for you then hit 'Back'. If it is the you are welcome to....

Welcome to Dawn's Domain

Firstly apologies for the delay in updating , (my existing web programme now refuses to work !)


OK, so who is Dawn ?  (A short bio)
Picture Control page
What If..... (some fun images)
Mail me at   dawnuktv@hotmail.com

Who's Dawn ?

Thanks for stopping by to find out a little more about me.

Like many TV's I started dressing at a young age and it is only now that I am starting to achieve things that I only dreamt about in the past. (Isn't the web a wonderful place!)

I won't bore you with a detailed account of my dressing experiences - I have been through the cycle of 'purging' and dressing many times. I have now got to a stage where I'm comfortable with who I am. If I have one regret , it is that I could not tell my secret to the woman I loved and we parted. So my advice would be - be gentle and true to those you love.
Vital Stats :

Location : South coast of England

Age : Mid 30's

Height : 1.70m (5' 6") in stockinged feet

Likes : Good food , wine and coversation. Quality lingerie & hosiery and a woman who knows what she wants...

Dislikes : Facial hair , ladders , and pushy people.

Oh , by the way I'm heterosexual , if you're fabulous in a frock then feel free to write...


Picture Control Page
These pictures are the most recent (May 2000). Click on the pic to go to the relevant page.
Go Blonde...
Sensible brunette (?)
Hot Redhead...
Blonde Pictures
More blonde pics
More blonde...
fun time....
More brunette pictures
Back to picture control
More brunette pictures
well, which colour do you like ?
Back to picture control
Fiery Redhead...
more redhead
More redhead
Back to picture control
If Only...
Some fun images created whilst mucking about with a photoshop programme. (Apologies if I've borrowed your bod.)