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A simple list of my favorite transgender and animal rights sites.

Transgender Favorites

TS Road Map

An excellent site with huge amounts of information.  Andrea has generously provided many hours of her time to help make our journey more tolerable.

Transsexual Woman's Resources - Anne Lawrence, MD

Another caring woman whose support site in excellent. 

Animal Rights Favorites

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals  nubakside.gif (1094 bytes) 

This is the organization that I support.   PETA is a no-nonsense animal rights watchdog that has been successul in preventing cruel animal testing and advances a national movement for compassion for all creatures.

Animal Rights Links

An excellent list of  Web Links to Animal Rights sites from around the world.

Anne's Animal  Compassion Page

A growing list of links and my feeling about our relationship with all the earth's creatures.