Coming to terms with being gay has been a big thing in my life recently. I was very slow in coming out. Let's face it, I was a complete snivelling coward about it. But the sky didn't fall in—on the contrary, as far as I know I haven't lost a single friend. I'm very conscious of a debt to people before me who smoothed the way.

You can't directly repay a favour like - that you can only pass it on. And, when there are places where people are still getting beaten up for being gay, there's a crying need.

Hence this page. I learned a lot from one friend in particular. I had known gay people before, but he just happened to be the role model who clicked for me. He had a quietly in-your-face attitude, didn't stand for being treated as, well, a bit queer. And, most importantly, he really looked like he was having fun being gay. This page is my way of being a bit in-your-face. The more gay people being out and visible, unapologetically having fun being gay in their different ways, the better.

But before I can tell you any more about being homosexual/gay, I have to tell you what the words mean. Surprisingly, a lot of people don't know. If you read nothing else here, please hear me out on the subject of what being gay actually is.

You can e-mail me at maaku at attglobal dot net.